This poem was sent to Catherine by a student from her painting class.
She loved her students and always looked for more opportunities to teach and share her passion for painting. This poem made Catherine feel like she did a good job teaching, and that she was able to convey to her students what they needed to learn within a 3-hour window of each lesson. She was impressed by her student’s creative work both in class and out…
by Sandra Eiffert Wade
She seemed fine
She painted, she taught
She encouraged us all
to watch
to listen
to learn
to create
Two years of classes
Two years of growing
In my confidence
In my accomplishments
In myself
Then, they stopped
The classes
The communication
I reached out
I heard the news
Then silence
Thoughts came to mind
Thoughts of her
I reached out
She answered
A decision
No medicine
No treatment
Palliative care alone
A life shortened, but a life nonetheless
She would create still
If she could
Paint, canvas, encouraging her now
Giving her strength
When strength seemed to fail
She was strong
Facing what came her way
She would continue
As she could
She would live life
As she should
For today
She would live